A Poetico‐Cultural Transference in Wordsworth/鈴木瑠璃子
9784758921428目次A Personalized Attempt to Overcome the Split between Subject and Object/Wordsworth and the Word “Culture”/Forms of Poetic Imagination in Wordsworth―The Transference of Two ‘Spots of Time’ in The Prelude/The Transmutation of The Discharged Soldier under Social and Political Ideology/Translation in the 1790’s:A Means of Creating a Like Existence and/or Restoring the Original/Unacknowledged Acceptance of Authority of Schlegel by S.T.Coleridge:or the Blurred Line of Demarcation between Copying and Imitation/The Idea of ‘the real language of men’ in the 1800 “Preface” to to Lyrical Ballads:or Enfield’s Idea of Language Derived from Condillac/Refusal of the Metamorphosis Theme in “Nutting”/Is the Sentimental Sublime Compatible with a Didactic Voice?―Hugh Blair,James Macpherson and William Wordsworth/A Mode of Cultural Transmission―Joanna Baillie and William Wordsworth〔ほか〕